meet the team
Kristin Kerner
Born and raised in Michigan, CO since 2002, DW since 2004, owner since 2013 Team blocky-head dogs, lives with Maeby, Smithy, and Hazel, Loves helping relationships with humans and their dogs, Classic movie fan, not ashamed to admit she drinks instant coffee

Linda Ayling
California native, CO since 1977, DW since 2007, Manages EVERYTHING at DW, Trainer & instructor, 3.5 dogs at home (Mavis, Billee, Nia, and Beta) plus 3 horses 3 goats, and a duck, brilliant trainer of dogs, has more patience than a ______, can fix anything.

Leanna T
CO native, DW since 2018, Husky Mom (Team Pointy ears), lead dog wrangler, assistant trainer, vacuums the fur of Kenya, Kenai, and Barcelona, would make a good zookeeper, used to work with chimpanzees, wants to own a raccoon someday

Teagan H-B
CO native, DW since 2019, dog wrangler, office helper-er, hangs out with her awesome dog Toki, may be involved in D&D, probably has a superhero costume.